Going through the stories of our world’s elites, there is a lot from their past that will spark the motivation pulses under your skin.
But then most of the time, the excitement always clouds our discernment from realizing one of the most profound virtues such men possess.
When Mark began his Facebook journey, it was all but a collage of insane moves.
Most of Steve Jobs’s actions were considered insane to the normal eyes. And they were really INSANE.
How about Elon?
Okay, away from their stories, let's dive into our lives.
If we are to be true to ourselves we will discover that what really brings us true sanity and success are not always in our escape but in our escapade of insane decisions.
That is to say, True Sanity is but a product of Insane reality.
People who are truly living a Sane life are people who have been fortified by insane decisions, actions, and reality.
If you are afraid that people's actions, comments, or opinions will disrupt your Sanity state then you're not truly SANE!
You have a sanity that depends on other people's views.
Shrug it off.
Embrace the technology of INSANITY.
It will hurt the hell out of your life. But then afterward, you'll experience what a Sane life is actually about.
The word INSANITY when in a detached form only points a finger to its true essence. Now let's detach it.
IN - SAN - ITY. The IN is the actual insulator for the SANe realITY.
So to attend the state of SANE REALITY you must break through that INsulator.
And breaking the insulator is like punching on a wall, you'll get wounded. The wounds will get you disguised and broken. And that is what Walls wants.
To enter a strong man's house, you must become a strong man.
The Sane Reality is a strong man aboard. Strong men are men with proof of insanity (wound from the walls).
So do you desire a true Sane life? Then don't be afraid of Insanity. It's what toughens you for the Sane reality.
The next comment that seems like a threat to your sanity might really be the punch you need to toughen up your sane reality.
Insane moves are actually what bring long-term success and Real Sanity.
Get wound in the process but don't get your head broken. You can use Helmet (wisdom) in the process.
Funnily, since everyone wants to go sane, only a few portion of humans adopt the conscious insane approach. And they are all sane and successful.
Like a diamond in the Mbuji Mayi mud of Congo, Sanity is but in Insanity.
If you think I'm INSANE, you are right!
People who really rule the world.